Maddox Hargett & Caruso, P.C. is representing investors across the US who have lost money in FIP, LLC that was recommended by their stockbrokers, insurance agents and financial advisors.
Numerous state regulators have already taken action against FIP,LLC for the sale of improper loans, which violates many state consumer protection laws.
An investment in FIP, LLC was a very risky investment that was unsuitable for most investors. According to our clients, the significant risks of this investment were not disclosed to them by their advisor.
Our firm continues to investigate claims against various brokerage firms, insurance agents and financial advisors for the improper sale of FIP, LLC. If you are an individual or institutional investor who has any concerns about the investment of your hard-earned funds into FIP, LLC, please contact us for a no-cost and no-obligation evaluation of your specific facts and circumstances. You may have a viable claim for recovery of your investment losses by filing a securities arbitration case with FINRA or a lawsuit.