Investors may have claims against Merrill Lynch for Maiden Holdings Preferred Stock
Many investors have suffered losses in their investment in the Preferred Stock of Maiden Holdings. When this Preferred Stock was initially sold by Merrill Lynch and other brokerage firms, most investors paid $25 per share, and it has currently been trading at approximately $5 or less per share, for a current loss of approximately 80%.
Most investors were not told by their Merrill Lynch or other advisor of the significant risks associated in an investment in Maiden Holdings. The Common Stock of Maiden Holdings has recently been trading for under $1 per share.
Since 1991, Maddox Hargett & Caruso, P.C. has represented the interests of individual and institutional investors in cases involving financial losses due to investment fraud, stockbroker misconduct or professional negligence.
If you are an individual or institutional investor with concerns about your investment in the Preferred Stock of Maiden Holdings, please contact Mark Maddox at (317) 598-2040 for a free confidential consultation regarding your claims.